Playing Instructions:

  1. Learn Latin.
  2. Read Lucan's Bellum Ciuile. [That means `Civil War,' but of course, having completed step (1), you already knew that.] You should read A. E. Housman's edition (1926), because that's the text on which H. H. Huxley based the clues. However, the Loeb will do as well. (Strictly speaking, this is not necessary, as the solutions can be guessed from the clues, including scansion, but the reading will give you something to do as you wait for the applet to load.)
  3. The current word you are working on is highlighted in yellow, except for the current letter, which is highlighted in pink.
  4. You can move to any letter (and its word) by clicking on it.
  5. The spacebar toggles between words across and words down, pivoting about the current letter. Backspace (<CTRL>-H) erases a letter.
  6. As you will have noticed, most of the clues are quotations from Lucan's text (vide supra), with one word omitted. All you need do is fill in the ellipsis.
  7. If you have any difficulty, you can peek at the parenthetical comment at the end of each clue, which virtually gives the answer away by indicating part of speech or some other spoiler information. This is particularly useful in the cases where the quote consists of a single (elided) word.
  8. If the applet doesn't fit on your screen, try the smaller version (still under development).


1. haerebis pressis . . . mea pectora membris (praepositio).
4. uiderat inmensam . . . in carcere lucem (obscuro).
9. ... --que tyranni / terribilem iusto transegit Achillea ferro (seruum).
10. causamque . . . / credere dis dubitas? (patrum).
11. 'ite sine . . . / ordine' ait (quoquam).
12. . . . -que petunt ueram credi Salamina carinae (numerus quidam impar).
13. . . . uenit Titan, et nox ubi sidera condit (e qua parte).
15. . . .-que caput conpressaque dentibus ora / laxauit (mutilauit).
17. nuda iam . . . fluentis / inuadunt clipeos (compage).
19. castraque Caesareo circumdatus aggere . . . (mouet).
21. Pindus agit fremitus Pangaeaque saxa . . . (uocem reddunt).
23. datur . . . loquendi / cum Ioue libertas (en).
24. ante iaces quam . . . duces Pharsalia confert (tristis).
26. dirum Thebanis fratribus . . . (prodigium).
29. hoc bellum sceptri fructum putat esse . . . (conseruati).
30. seque arma . . . / ac nondum strato Magnum uicisse negauit (gestante).
31. non si tumido me gurgite Ganges / . . ., stabit iam flumine Caesar in ullo (repellat).
32. (mater Pentheos).


1. quolibet . . . potius deflecte carinam (infelicem).
2. feruent iam castra . . . (strepitu).
3. exeat . . . / qui uolt esse pius (regia).
4. colle . . . modico lenique excreuit in altum / pingue solum tumulo (surgit).
5. urunt / habrotonum et longe . . . cornua cerui (qui nascitur).
6. nefas spectare cruentum, / o ... libertas, cum Caesar lugeat, audent (optima).
7. ut scelus hoc Sullae caedesque . . . placeret, / agnoscendus erat (monstrata).
8. Boreas cum Thracius . . . / rupibus incubuit (montis cuiusdam).
14. ... non esse ducis strictos sed militis enses (nouit).
16. occursu stupuere ducis . . . rerum / attoniti (uice).
17. fatis accede deisque, / et . . . felices, miseros fuge (obserua).
18. tellus . . . litora nolet (pandere).
20. ecce subit uirus . . . (latens).
22. (pars Asiae).
23. (uentus quidam).
25. medium conpressis ilibus . . . (contrahit).
27. inserto laqueis feralibus ... / per scopulos miserum trahitur per saxa cadauer (ferro recuruo).
28. excussit galeam, suffecitque omnibus . . . (aqua).

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